Monday, September 10, 2012

Don't wake up ugly....

Ugly people bug me.  Not ugly, like physical characteristic ugly, but just that negative, icky, trashy personality type that makes you so ugly that no amount of plastic surgery will fix the amount of ugly that oozes from your pores.  Anyway, I digress.....

Have you ever known someone who you really thought was an attractive person?  Again, maybe not so much because of their physical appearance but just because they had a good heart, were kind, lots of fun, etc.  As the years went by though, they got uglier.  And not because THEY changed but because of who they were with.  As jokingly said to my friend this can't wake up next to ugly that many years without some of that ugly scaring you into being ugly too.  I believe it.  I have seen so many people just get uglier and uglier....hell, even right down double bagger fugly, because of who they are or who they have let influence them for too long.

So, to make a long story short....if you don't want to end up ugly, don't wake up next to ugly every morning.

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