Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!!!

New Years Resolutions? I try to avoid them since I tend to fail miserably at keeping them but I always find myself making little ones in my head that if I do fail, no one knows--LOL. 2007 was a good year--sure, we had our moments when I wondered, why the hell am I being punished but all in all...pretty damn good.

Accomplishment #1: My sewing business is starting to take off. I've been busy with custom orders and hope for even more with the new year. I was recently invited to join a group on ebay that is just a launch group. We will have launches 4 times a year and looking through the members...I might be getting close to making it to the big leagues. There are some designers in this group that have been doing this for quite a few years and have no problems getting $150-300 for their sets. Association with these girls...well, I just hope it helps my sales that much! I've been working so hard to get my name out there and I am thinking, I'm almost there. I have a pretty good following of repeat buyers and get new followers every time I list a new set. I love designing & sewing...I just hope I can keep doing it for as long as it is fun to me.

Another accomplishment for me this year. I finished my training this spring to be a volunteer advocate for the local domestic violence shelter. I carry a cell phone for the hotline where women (or men) can call 24/7 if they are in any kind of domestic crisis. I am continuing with more trainings & classes and really enjoy the work. I admit, its heartwrenching sometimes and frustrating when the women ends up going back to an abusive relationship but my job isn't to judge, its to be a shoulder and a helping hand when needed.

I have great kids. Thats mommy bragging, just the facts. My kids have grown into respectable young adults (well, except Adalyn--LOL). I hear so often from other adults how awesome my kids are. That they are respectful to their teachers in this crazy generation of disrespect. That they are responsible....all kinds of stuff. They know the value of working for what they want. And I couldn't be prouder of them. And yes, Adalyn is a great kid too. I just get to see that more than most. She is so smart...really!!!! She knows her ABC's...not just saying them but can recognize them and spells a few words too. Can count pretty high (I lost track) and can count in Spanish to 13. You can read a book to her, and she can pretty much absorb most of it and read it back to you word for word. I have a feeling she is gonna be super bored in school...which usually means a troublemaker, right?

Then, there is Jack....what a great guy! Sure, he frustrates the hell out of me sometimes but isn't that the price you pay for having a man in your life at all??? In all seriousness though, he is so good to me. Treats me like a queen. Totally supports what I do and is my biggest fan of all my designs. I love him dearly and with all my heart. How did I luck out on that one?

Well, this is kind of a boring post, I realize as I re-read it. Blah, blah, blah....Oh well, I guess I gotta bore you all once in a while. Where I was going with this was:

Happy New Year to you all & Best Wishes towards a very prosperous 2008!!!!!!

1 comment:

...Tiffany... said...

What group did you get into??? Hellooooo!!!! Share the news! :) I haven't made anything in sooooo long. Maybe after I pop...but I doubt it! :)